How will BOA help m...
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How will BOA help me?

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How BOA Going to help in the  role of Development ?

Is it a tool,  to convert my entire foxpro application into web Application OR 

Is it a Development Frame Work With default Form and Report Templates , So that , I can Build New Apps using it.

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Joined: 6 years ago
Posts: 34

See BOA as a replacement of your front-end developer. You can tell to BOA what to do. You define everything at the back-end:

  • Content of the menu, left menu and/or top menu.
  • Each action of each menu. In most cases start a grid or a form.
  • Definition of the grid: column headers and width. Funtionality of the grid.
  • Definition of a form: multi tab or not, layout and content: type and data of content
  • Buttons with onclick actions.
  • BOA takes care of relations between fields when defined in your iAPI.

All the communication is done by requests and responses between BOA and your iAPI. This is done by sending/receiving JSON. Json is in fact a structured text block. You can easily read and/or create it.

BOA will not convert your Visual Foxpro (VFP) code, but you can create the iAPI in the language you like. As Visual Foxpro developer you can create it in VFP. You don’t need to use any html, css, javascript or angular to build the application.

It is also not a framework with default forms. You can define the layout of a form as you wish. We are using the Bootstrap rules to make it responsive.

Best regards,

Chris Andries
