Build Online Applications
with your own tools
Without any knowledge of HTML, css, Javascript, Node.js, Angular, React or other new technologies.
Give your customers what they are asking for. Create online applications based on your existing software, with the knowledge and experience you have. Re-use your business logic and convert existing Windows applications or create completely new solutions for your customers.
BOA a new solution
to build online applications.
Based on a concept which I used for 30 years to build DOS and Windows applications.
Combination of new technology to build online applications, 30 year experience, a good proved concept and young talented developers has resulted in a solution that can be used by developers with the tool they want. Originally the system was internally build to create an online application of our ERP system. After some time we realised it could be a solution for developers worldwide. BOA was born.

Enter into a new world.
Build online software with BOA.

Ready to use
BOA becomes the front-end developer of your application. Developed to create robust modern applications.

Comunicate with the BOA team.
BOA is a work in progress. It is already very powerfull, but sometimes a project has specific needs. Send it to the BOA team so we evaluate it and extend BOA.

Share what you create with BOA
Share your result and your experiences. This way we can show every developer what can be reached with BOA. Post it in the forum.
Functional widgets build in.
Use them in your own application.

Create and manage schedules
A good looking sheduler is available. Adding a complete agenda and sheduler to your application was never been easier.

Creating graphs to measure results.
graphs are highly appreciated by users. In ABO we implemented a widget to create graphs as you want. Bargraph, Linegraph and Pie charts. Ready to use.

Project board.
An easy and intuitive project board out of the box. Adding items, drag & drop, everything is in it. Add it to your project in 30 minutes. We use it every day.