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2.5 Buttons

In an applications there are a lot of buttons to use. There are different kind of buttons to add, select or delete, to navigate, to print or export data, to search for data and to get info of items. This is all provided with BOA. It is very easy to define the buttons you want. You can define them for each grid, each form and as elements in forms.

Buttons with radius value 0 on a grid: add, edit, delete, export, print, exit.

2.5.1 Radius of buttons

The radius of a button is defined at login time. In the result of the login, the radius can be set. BOA will use that radius through the application. You have to define it only once.

Buttons with radius value 5 on a form: save, add, delete, list, previous, next, exit.

2.5.2 Different buttons

When defining grids and forms you can always use a ‘buttons’ array to define which buttons you need. The following are possible:

Grid buttons:

  • add
  • edit
  • delete
  • export
  • print
  • exit

Form buttons:

  • save
  • add
  • delete
  • list
  • previous
  • next
  • exit
  • ok
  • cancel

OK / CANCEL buttons in a modalform

These are special buttons to use in a form where a user can fill some data. At the moment the OK button is selected, the data is send to a new endpoint with a PUT method. This way it is a solution for forms where selections can be made. Example a form with selections before a grid is shown with the result of the selections. It can also be used to create reports with filters.

Form elements:

In a form buttons can be used to add extra functionality to a field, or buttons can be used a an element with a special action.

As extra functionality you can have a search to lookup for data. You can also use an edit buttons to view a form with more info. BOA also provide buttons to send email, calculator, phone, calendar or a user defined action.

Different buttons to search and to edit, also user defined buttons to open a new form or grid with special actions on the fields stock, sold, … For these buttons you can choose the icon from the font that is provided.

A button can be a separate element in a form. This type of buttons can be used to open a new grid, form or other special widgets as graphics, project, calendar, …

A button as element which will open a new form with the graph widget. The icon and the action can be defined by the iAPI.
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