
1.6. Installation of BOA server

BOA is a Webapplication which needs an Apache server or Internet Information Server. It is quite easy to install it.
I suppose most of you has a website which you are hiring from a provider. Suppose you have www.mycompany.com. If you go to the admin of your website, you normally can add a subdomein. This means you can create invoicing.mycompany.com. At that moment there will be a folder invoicing on your server. If you put the BOA application in that folder it will be ready to use. Your customers can go to http://invoicing.mycompany.com and the login of BOA will appear.
This is the way how it is installed for the demo on boa-platform.com.
The BOA application is installed on the subdomain demo.boa-platform.com.
If your iAPI server support https, BOA will also use https, and the communication will be secured. This depends of the system you use to build your back-end.

Installing and configuration.

You have bought a licence, thank you, and you have got a BOA.ZIP file which contains everything you need.
Follow the next steps to install it:

Configuration file: licence.json

Modify the licence.json file. It contains the following:
    "jqxLicence": "75-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-DE8",
    "applicense": "zHxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxJa",
    "logoUrl": "http://demo.boa-platform.com/assets/images/logo.jpg",
    "siteUrl": "https://www.boa-platform.com/platform/",
    "apiUrl": ""
jqxLicence: Don't change this. We are using some widgets from jqWidgets, and this licence is our official licence. With our licence we bought, you have the right to use it.
applicence: Don't change this. This is your BOA licence we generated for you.
logoUrl: Change this to an URL your logo can be found. At the login screen, it will be shown.
siteUrl: At login there are two blocks. Left for the login, at the right a webpage you can define. This can be any webpage. Is can be an idea to have a webpage with 'tip of the day' of News of your company to promote new modules. It is up to you.
apiUrl: If this remains empty, BOA will ask for the URL at login. A user has to enter this once, and from that moment on it will be proposed. This is for the installation of BOA on a central URL. If you have installed a BOA server at the customers website, you can enter the URL to connect to the iAPI server your installed for this customer. Be sure to enter the complete URL, with the port and version as You don't need to use a version, but it can be a good idea for the future. It is common practice when building an API.
Upload the modified licence.json to the BOA folder and start again. The login screen should be adapted according to your settings.