
4.1.21. image / read_image / imagecropper

Displaying pictures is provided with BOA. When working on a tablet or smartphone, you even have the possibility to take pictures or videos to upload to your database.
Image of a product.
Empty images which can be added by drag and drop.
"display": "",
"tooltip": "",
"fieldname": "picture",
"length": 0,
"inputtype": "image",
"block": 1,
"newline": true,
"labelwidth": 0,
"fieldwidth": 6,
"fieldheight": 12
  • inputtype: image, read_image or imagecropper.
  • image: Adding or Upload and replace of an image.
  • read_image: With read_image an image cannot be changed.
  • imagecropper:  When using imagecropper you can select a part of an image to save. This way you can cut a detail of an image.
  • fieldwidth and fieldheight defines the size of the image in the form.
The image will be send as an image to the endpoint. This will be encoded with base64.
"data": [
  "id": "139401",
  "picture": "data:image\/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABEMAAAHvCAYAAAC\/uhHQA....................jzkdZqvsDeAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="