Displaying pictures is provided with BOA. When working on a tablet or smartphone, you even have the possibility to take pictures or videos to upload to your database.
Image of a product.
Empty images which can be added by drag and drop.
"display": "",
"tooltip": "",
"fieldname": "picture",
"length": 0,
"inputtype": "image",
"block": 1,
"newline": true,
"labelwidth": 0,
"fieldwidth": 6,
"fieldheight": 12
inputtype: image, read_image or imagecropper.
image: Adding or Upload and replace of an image.
read_image: With read_image an image cannot be changed.
imagecropper: When using imagecropper you can select a part of an image to save. This way you can cut a detail of an image.
fieldwidth and fieldheight defines the size of the image in the form.
The image will be send as an image to the endpoint. This will be encoded with base64.