With BOA it is easy to add drawing to your online application. This can be usefull if a freehand drawing of a situation must be made.
Drawing possibilities with color selection and different line types.
"display": "Signature.",
"tooltip": "",
"fieldname": "signature",
"length": 99,
"inputtype": "draw",
"block": 1,
"newline": true,
"labelwidth": 2,
"fieldwidth": 8,
"fieldheight": 15
inputtype: draw / read_draw
labelwidth: defines the width of the label.
fieldwidth: defines the width of the drawing area.
fieldheight: defines the height of the drawing area.
The drawing will be send as an image to the endpoint. This will be encoded with base64.
"data": [
"id": "139401",
"signature": "data:image\/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABEMAAAHvCAYAAAC\/uhHQA....................jzkdZqvsDeAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="